Razorback Parking FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Take time to learn where your parking permit grants access on campus, and give yourself plenty of spare time as you are first learning the campus parking system. 
Pay attention to signs in the parking areas, and do not park in any area that is not clearly marked for parking or that is not for your particular parking permit.

The athletic department funded the construction of parking lots used for athletic events. Campus members are allowed to utilize the lots while they are not being used for games, but these lots must be cleared prior to events to allow parking availability for those attending the game.   

Parking is enforced any time the University of Arkansas is open, even if classes are not in session, because there are many employees working on campus even when classes are not in session.

They are not. They are paid an hourly wage regardless of the number of citations written. Most Parking Control Officers are students but they are also university employees, and as such deserve the cooperation and respect of students, faculty and staff. Their job requires them to be visible in their work area to assist drivers by providing directions and information, and to ensure parking is available for authorized individuals.

No. Parking Control Officers are instructed that a verbal warning, heeded by a violator, accomplishes the goal the same as issuing a citation. Their mission is to enforce the parking regulations to ensure that adequate parking is available for authorized vehicles. This is to be accomplished by being visible in their assigned work areas to provide information and directions, and to issue parking citations when necessary.

The University of Arkansas reserves the right to remove any vehicle from its property. Vehicles may be booted or towed for reasons such as: if a motorist has excessive unpaid citations, is a habitual violator, is parked in an unauthorized space, or parked in a way that creates a safety hazard or blocks a Razorback Transit bus stop. In lieu of towing, vehicles may be booted (immobilized). Booted vehicles not claimed by the close of business will be towed. The owner of a towed vehicle does not pay the boot fee; however, they do pay all outstanding citations and the tow fee before the vehicle will be released.

Removing a boot from a vehicle requires the payment of all outstanding citations and a $30 boot fee. After a third boot has been applied to the same vehicle, the removal fee with increase to $60 per boot. The boot fee will appear in the same location on the individual’s myparkingaccount as all other citations. Once the account’s entire balance has been paid, the boot will be removed. The boot or tow and associated fees can be appealed following the normal appeal process. Information on appeals can be found here