Razorback Paratransit

All Razorback Transit buses are designed to accommodate persons with mobility needs, as all are equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramps and have specific, secure wheelchair locations inside the bus. All buses have a kneeling feature that will aid in the boarding and disembarking of mobility-impaired persons that do not use a wheelchair. 

Paratransit is a curb-to-curb, demand-responsive service that serves persons who do not have the functional capability to access the fixed-route bus system.

Eligibility Categories

To be eligible for paratransit van service, one must complete an application for ADA certification and explain their inability to access the fixed-route bus system. Eligibility applications are reviewed by the Logistics Manager in charge of paratransit services. General approval and considerations for trip requests are approved on a trip by trip basis.  

You can call 479-575-6993 to begin the application process.

There are different types of eligibility that can be granted to individuals applying for paratransit: Conditional, Unconditional, and Temporary.


Conditional eligibility will apply to individuals who are able to use Razorback Transit's fixed route bus service for some trips, but may require paratransit for other trips or in special circumstances. Eligibility for paratransit trips will be determined on a trip-by-trip basis and will be based on the individual's functional ability to independently use Razorback buses for some trips or part of a particular trip.


Unconditional eligibility will apply to individuals who have been judged functionally unable to independently use Razorback Transit's fixed route bus service in any circumstance.


Temporary eligibility will apply to individuals with temporary physical disabilities and will last for the term of the disability, but in no case longer than 12 months. After the 12 month period, individuals who were granted temporary eligibility must reapply and be reevaluated if they desire to continue using paratransit.


Denied Eligibility Appeal Proccess

If you do not meet the Americans with Disabilities Act eligibility criteria you will be informed of this decision in writing within 21 business days. The letter will explain the reasons for denial as related to the eligibility criteria. You have the right to appeal the denial of eligibility, the level of eligibility granted or a particular trip request that has been denied for those with conditional eligibility. You must initiate an appeal by contacting the Director of Transit and Parking at tpdirect@uark.edu within 60 days of the date of the denial letter. A letter will then be sent explaining the procedure of your appeal options which is: appearing in person with additional information or sending in additional written materials.