Razorback Transit FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Razorback Transit is fare free!
All maps and schedules are available here
Razorback Transit provides the real-time location of all our route buses on the Passio Go! app.
Razorback Transit uses pull-cords to request a stop on our buses. Typically, all stops are used on a regular basis and have passengers wanting to get off the bus or passengers waiting to board the bus, so the bus will stop. However, there are times when no passengers are at the designated bus stop or wanting off, so the bus will not make a stop.
There are times on our more heavily-utilized routes that the bus will fill to capacity prior to completing the trip. When this happens, the bus will continue straight to the destination.
We recommend that all passengers arrive at the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes before the estimated arrival time. During peak service times, we recommend that passengers choose to catch earlier trips to avoid heavy crowds and ensure a spot on the bus. The same recommendation applies for return trips from campus. You may find it more convenient to choose a later trip to avoid the crowds during peak service times.
No, pets are not allowed on Razorback Transit vehicles.
Razorback Transit is funded by Federal Transit Administration Grants, U of A Student Transportation Fees, the U of A Administration, and the City of Fayetteville.
Razorback Transit is a federally-funded, public-transportation provider. Federal law states that everyone is allowed to use these resources.
All of Razorback Transit's buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramps and have specific, secure wheelchair locations inside the bus. Also, all buses have a kneeling feature that will aid in the boarding and disembarking of mobility impaired persons that do not use a wheelchair. Tranied service animals are allows on Razorback Transit.
You can call Safe Ride at 479-575-7233.