ADA Permit Instructions

Students or Faculty/Staff members who are needing to park in accessible parking spaces need to know the following information:

1. Annual accessible (ADA) parking permits will be issued at the normal cost to any student or employee who has a state handicap parking placard or license plate issued in their name. To apply an ADA designation to your U of A parking permit, email or log into MyParkingAccount to enter your information. 

2. The state of Arkansas's ADA form can be found here.

3. Temporary accessible (ADA) parking permits will be issued for the same length of time as the state temporary placard or for a maximum of seven (7) days based on an appropriate and licensed physician’s statement recommending a temporary accessible (ADA) permit.

4. Individuals seeking an Accessible Parking Permit should first seek to receive a state handicap parking placard or license plate. However, should there be extenuating circumstances where that is not available, you may contact the Accommodations and Accessibility Services/ADA Coordinator with Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Title IX at

5. The appropriate permit type, with the addition of an ADA designator, will be issued for the standard fee. The ADA designator will not be issued on a economy permit. The ADA permit allows parking in U of A ADA parking spaces and in lots designated as faculty/staff, student and economy. Meter payment is required when parking at a parking meter. Students can request a reserved disabled permit, which allows a student to park in certain blue reserved lots in addition to U of A ADA spaces, by emailing the parking office.