Rules and Regulations

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Section 1.1 - Authorities and Applicability of Regulations

In accordance with A.C.A. 25-17-307, the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas has established the following regulations to facilitate the operation and parking of motor vehicles on the University of Arkansas campus. These regulations apply to all persons utilizing the lands and streets owned or controlled by the University of Arkansas. UA Traffic and Parking Regulations are revised periodically. The most current regulations are available on the Transit and Parking web site at

Section 1.2 – Transit, Parking, and Traffic Committee

Suggestions to improve the campus parking system are welcomed by the Transit, Parking and Traffic Committee whose membership represents students, faculty and staff. Any suggestions should be made to the committee chairperson in care of the Transit and Parking Department.

Section 1.3 – Enforcement of Regulations

(1.3.1) These regulations are in effect at all times. Any vehicle operated or parked on UA owned or controlled property in violation of Arkansas motor vehicle statutes or these UA regulations is subject to being cited, booted and/or towed. Parking Regulations are enforced at all times, even when classes are not in session. (1.3.2) Enforcement of these regulations is the responsibility of the Transit and Parking Department and the UA Police Department. The Transit and Parking Department will assess administrative charges and penalties and may deny or revoke an individual's parking permit and privileges for excessive violations of University parking regulations.

Section 1.4 – Motor Vehicle Immobilizing, Towing, Impounding, and Release

(1.4.1) The UA reserves the right to tow from its property any parked vehicle that lacks a current parking permit; that is parked in an unpaid or expired metered space; that is parked in a Transit Bus Stop, a restricted zone, or a non-designated area; or that has three or more in unpaid parking citations. Any vehicle will be towed if parked where it causes a traffic or pedestrian hazard, or in a manner to impede the access of emergency vehicles. Violations which will also result in towing and possible impoundment include, but are not limited to, parking in Reserved lots or spaces; fire or traffic lanes; zones marked with yellow paint; driveways; on a sidewalk; unauthorized zones or lots; grass areas; within 15 feet of a fire hydrant; within 20 feet of a crosswalk; within 30 feet of a stop sign; or double parked in a street, drive or lot. The University of Arkansas is under no obligation to attempt to locate, call or email the owner/operator of a vehicle prior to it being towed. Any such warning effort should be considered a courtesy.

(1.4.2) The UA reserves the right to tow from its property and impound any vehicle in violation of these regulations until all towing and impounding fees and UA parking violation charges have been paid.

(1.4.3) Any vehicle displaying a lost, stolen or altered permit will be towed and impounded. The driver/owner will be required to pay all tow and storage fees, all outstanding citations including a $100 administrative charge, and relinquish his/her UA parking permit and parking privileges for one year.

(1.4.4) A $100 administrative charge will be assessed to any suspended individual or vehicle parked on campus in addition to the vehicle being towed.

(1.4.5) ) In lieu of towing, vehicles may be immobilized (booted) for the same reasons for which they may be towed. All outstanding citations and a boot fee must be paid before the boot will be removed. Immobilized vehicles not claimed by the owner by the close of the business day will be towed. A $100 administrative fee will be assessed for unauthorized removal or attempted removal of a boot.

(1.4.6) The vehicle owner or operator will be required to provide identification and pay all costs for removing and storing of the towed vehicle and all violation and administrative charges. Vehicles stored in the UA tow lot will be charged $10 per day for storage.

1.4.7) Unregistered scooters may be immobilized to identify the owner. The boot fee will not be charged unless the vehicle meets the boot fee requirement in section 1.4.5.

(1.4.8) The booting or towing of a vehicle and the resulting fees may be appealed by following the procedures contained in section 1.7 of these regulations.

Section 1.5 – Traffic and Parking Violations and Fees (Citations/Tickets)

Please see apendix.

Section 1.6 – Citation Payment

(1.6.1) Parking citations may be paid in person at the Transit and Parking Department, by mail, or online at My Parking Account.

(1.6.2) UA parking violation charges not paid or appealed within 10 business days could result in the violator's enrollment being denied, transcript being withheld, employee payroll deductions for the amount owed, or the violator's vehicle being booted or towed and impounded.

(1.6.3) University traffic citations can be paid online via UA Connect.

Section 1.7 – Appeals (Citations/Tickets)

Persons who seek to appeal a university traffic violation, a parking violation, the placement of a boot, or a vehicle tow have the option to file an appeal with the UA Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee (1.7.1) ) For boots and vehicle tows, all citations must be paid in order to appeal, but may be refunded in whole or in part if the appeal is upheld. For other citations, if the appeal is submitted within 10 business days, the citation amount is not required to be paid pending the outcome of the appeal; after 10 business days, the citation must be paid to appeal, but may be refunded in whole or in part if the appeal is upheld. For all types of appeals (for a citation, boot, or tow), if the appeal is not submitted within 90 calendar days of the date of the citation, boot, or tow, the appeal will not be considered by the committee.

(1.7.2) All committee appeals of parking citations, boots, or tows will incur a $10 administrative fee when filed. The purpose of the fee is to help defray the administrative costs of appeals and to discourage frivolous appeals. If an appeal is upheld, the fee will be refunded. No administrative fee will be charged for appeals of traffic citations.

(1.7.3) The first stage of a committee appeal is a written appeal. To submit an appeal, an appeal form must be completed, including the reasons for the appeal. A copy of the citation must be attached to the form. Evidence supporting the appeal (such as photos) may be attached, as well. Appeal forms may be obtained from the Transit and Parking Department in the Administrative Services Building, 155 South Razorback Road or online. A separate appeal must be filed for each citation. A lost ticket, forgetfulness, parking only for a short period, failure to display a parking permit, that someone else parked the vehicle, or failure to see a parking sign are not grounds for an appeal and appeals should not be submitted on these grounds. The primary reasons for appeals to be approved are errors in the issuance of the citation, boot, or tow, or very extenuating circumstances. Written appeals are reviewed by a subset of the committee. Following review, persons are provided written notification of theoutcome.

(1.7.4) If the written appeal is denied in whole or in part, a request for an oral appeal before the full committee may be submitted within 10 business days of the written appeal denial. There is no additional charge for oral appeals to the committee. A request for an oral hearing before the full committee is made by contacting the Transit and Parking Department at to request an appointment. Following an oral hearing, the Committee will make a determination, and the person will be notified in writing of the final outcome of the committee appeal. If a request for an oral appeal is not submitted within ten business days of the date of the decision on the written appeal, the appeal will not be considered by the committee.

(1.7.5) The Committee is comprised of students, faculty and staff appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and generally meets once per month. During the month of August, the Committee may not meet.

(1.7.6) Concealed handguns are prohibited in Appeals Committee meetings per Ark. Code. § ACA-5-73-322(e).

(1.7.7) Any written appeal of a parking citation to the UA Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee shall be delivered to the UA Transit and Parking Department, 155 S. Razorback Road. '

(1.7.8) Any written appeal of a university traffic citation to the UA Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee shall be delivered to the UA Police Department, 155 S. Razorback Road.

Chapter 2 – Parking Permits

Any motor vehicle parked on property that is owned or controlled by the university must properly display a current UA parking permit or park in a metered parking space and pay the meter fee. Permits are valid only in authorized lots or zones designated by map or posted signs and only for the person to whom they are registered. Campus parking permits may be revoked, and parking privileges suspended by action of the Office of Student Standards and Conduct. Revoked permits are not eligible for a refund. The term “permit” refers to a physical parking permit (decal, parking tag, temporary hangtag, and/or dashboard placard) as well as an electronic (or “virtual”) permit used in the license plate recognition system. These regulations apply to both virtual and physical permits, unless otherwise stated.

Section 2.1 – Permit Types and Eligibility

Please see Section 4.2 and appendix.

Section 2.2 – Permit Purchase

Permits are to be purchased online at My Parking Account. A parking permit will not be issued to any person or vehicle that has unpaid UA parking citations. Parking permits may also be purchased at the Transit and Parking Department, Administrative Services Building, 155 S. Razorback Road, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Section 2.3 – Substitute Vehicle

Annual parking permits may be used on more than one vehicle. The license plate of each vehicle must be registered to your permit at My Parking Account. In addition, each vehicle on your account must be linked to your electronic permit. If you must drive another vehicle on campus than what you already have registered, you may add the license plate of the different vehicle at My Parking Account. Because you may receive a parking citation related to any vehicle registered to your permit, you may wish to promptly remove any vehicle that you do not own or use on campus from your permit by contacting the Transit and Parking Department at (This is particularly applicable in the case of rental vehicles.) A permit allows only one vehicle to park at a time. Having more than one vehicle parked at the same time under the same permit is prohibited.

Section 2.4 – Permit Holder Responsibilities

Each parking permit holder is responsible for safeguarding his/her permit, proper permit/vehicle license plate display on his/her vehicle and for any parking violation charges issued to that permit. Any decal permits issued by Transit and Parking that are current and in use should be completely affixed by the manufacturer’s adhesive and displayed on the inside of the front windshield, lower left corner, on the driver’s side. Vehicle license plates must be securely fastened to the rear of the vehicle in the location designated by the vehicle manufacturer. UA parking tags must be securely fastened to the front of the vehicle in the location designated by the vehicle manufacturer. Temporary hangtag permits must be displayed on the inside rear-view mirror and be visible through the windshield from outside the vehicle. Dashboard placards must be visible through the windshield. Permits may not be reproduced, altered, defaced, bartered, transferred, shared with, or sold to another individual. Permits are to be removed prior to sale or transfer of a vehicle, or upon termination of UA employment or enrollment. The permit must be returned/cancelled for a prorated refund. The vehicle license plate or UA parking tag must be adjacent to and face the drive lane and be visible from the drive lane without obstruction.

Section 2.5 – Permit Replacements

When a permit is damaged, destroyed, or stolen, it can be replaced, but proof must be provided, along with a $5.00 processing fee. Substantial proof consists of returning the damaged or destroyed permit; and in the case of a stolen permit, when a police report is provided. All other permit replacements will be charged the current permit fee. A $5.00 processing fee is also charged when a permit is turned in early and a pro-rated refund is requested. Damaged or lost UA parking tags will be replaced at the current cost.

Section 2.6 – Permit Fees

Permit Type Permit Cost
24-Hour Reserved $1,383.00
All-Area Reserved $1,116.00
Appeal Fee $10.00
Faculty/Staff Reserved $807.00
Resident Reserved $781.00
Reserved Disabled Student $214.00
Faculty/Staff greater than or equal to $40K annual salary/Visitor/Vendor $230.00
Faculty/Staff less than $40K annual salary $150.00
Remote Employee (per day) $4.00
Student $120.00
Economy $25.00
Hourly Fees: Lot 26 (per hour) $2.00-5.00
Hourly Fees: Garages, streets, and surface lots (per hour) $2.00-5.00
Hourly Fees: Short-term 30-min Max (per hour) $1.00
Motorcycle $81.00
Parking Garage Reserved 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. $1,069.00
Parking Garage One Day Temporary $20.00
Scooter $81.00
Scooter Reserved $230.00
Temporary (per day) $8.65
Temporary (per week) $34.60

Section 2.7 – Monthly Payments

Annual permits may not be purchased by the month. Monthly payments may be made by employees who pay for their permit via payroll deduction. The fee for annual permits will be the yearly rate divided by the number of months remaining in the permit year, except for resident reserved permits which have a special proration schedule.

Section 2.8 – Permit Refunds

Permit refunds of less than $25 will not be issued. Annual faculty/staff and student permits will not be refunded for the summer. Permits need to be returned/cancelled for a prorated refund.

Section 2.9 – Expiration

(2.9.1) Annual student, reserved and faculty/staff permits expire on July 31 and annual resident reserved permits expire May 31, or upon termination of university employment or withdrawal from the university.

(2.9.2) Temporary permits are valid only for the date(s) listed on the face of each permit or the dates purchased for each electronic permit.

Chapter 3 - Bicycles

Section 3.1 - Applicable Laws

Bicycles are subject to all state and local motor vehicle laws pertaining to street travel.

Section 3.2 - Acceptable Methods of Parking and Securing Bike

Bicycles are to be parked in a manner that does not block pedestrian paths or building or emergency access and must be secured with a commercially available lock to prevent theft. Bicycles may be secured to handrails and non-painted light poles as long as they do not block pedestrian paths or create a safety hazard. This is permissible only if there are no bicycle loops or racks within the immediate area.

Section 3.3 – Immobilization and Impound

(3.3.1) Unsecured bicycles will be immobilized or impounded if considered a habitual violator. Bicycles parked in a manner that obstruct handicap access, block pedestrian paths, create a safety hazard, or are secured to trees and landscaping, sign posts, parking meter posts, or painted light poles will be immobilized or impounded. Bicycle security devices may be removed by whatever means necessary to impound the bicycle. The university will not be liable to the owner of this device for the cost of repair or replacement.

(3.3.2) Claiming an impounded bicycle requires providing proof of ownership (a sales receipt containing the serial number) or a notarized statement of ownership providing make, model, serial number, color, and location at the time of impoundment); providing the owner's name and ID, signing a statement of receipt for the bike, registering the bike, and payment of all citations and fees due for the bicycle. There will be a $10 charge for the return of an impounded bicycle or the removal of an immobilization device. All outstanding fees must be paid before the bike will be released.

Section 3.4 – Unacceptable Parking and Storage Methods

Bicycles may not be parked, stored, or left standing in the lobby, hallway, or room of any academic or administrative building except within private offices with the approval from the department head or building executive. Policies and procedures governing the storage of bicycles inside any facility owned, operated or managed by University Housing, may be found in the current Residence Hall Handbook.

Section 3.5 – Abandoned Bicycles

Bicycles will be identified as abandoned if missing a major component such as pedals, handlebars, or chain and/or with flat tire(s). Abandoned bicycles are subject to being impounded. Impounded bicycles will be held for 60 calendar days before disposal. A list of impounded bicycles shall be posted on the Transit and Parking webpage under Parking Control for a minimum of 60 days.

Chapter 4 - Vehicle Parking

Section 4.1 – Responsibility and Indicators of Designation

Designation of UA parking lots and specific parking spaces is the responsibility of the Transit, Parking and Traffic Committee and the Transit and Parking Department. Parking lot designations are indicated by permit color on the current parking map, and on-site by colored signs. Sign and stall markings are considered to be correct and take precedence over conflicting parking map designations. Any area not specifically designated for parking is considered a No Parking zone, which may not be posted.

Section 4.2 – Parking Lot Designation Signs

(4.2.1) Parking lot designation signs are color-coded and labeled with the lot type. Lot designation signs are located at the parking lot entrances and within the lots when necessary. Signs designating spaces within a lot are placed at each end of the section of spaces they designate and regulate all spaces between the signs; or signs are placed at the front of the spaces to designate an individual space.

(4.2.2) Lot Designation Types - Your permit type and parking lot signs designate where you may park on the UA campus.

Those include:

a) Bike Loops/Racks – Parking for bicycles only.

b) Faculty/Staff (yellow) - Parking for Faculty/Staff, Emeritus, and Reserved permit holders.

c) Motorcycle - Parking for motorcycles only (50cc and over engine displacement). Motorcycles may also park in unoccupied parking meter spaces by paying the meter fee. Motorcycles may not park in permitted car spaces, except as provided under item 1 and 2 below, or faculty/staff, student or economy parking spaces. Motorcycles also cannot park in spaces designated for scooters, unless there is signage that clearly indicates the spaces are for both scooters and motorcycles. To eliminate the need to purchase an additional motorcycle permit,

1. Reserved permit holders who register their motorcycle vehicle license as one of their vehicles may park in their assigned reserved lot in place of their primary vehicle. The motorcycle’s vehicle license must face the drive lane.

2. Trikes (motorcycles with three or more wheels) which do not fit into designated motorcycle parking spaces, are treated as cars. They must register as cars and pay the car permit fee.

d) Economy (orange) – – Parking for economy, reserved, faculty/staff, resident reserved, student, and emeritus permit holders.

e) Reserved (blue) - Parking for assigned reserved and all area permit holders only. Each lot is designated by matching permit and lot sign letter. Having an all area permit does not grant one access to park in reserved L in lot 26, east of the Administration Building, nor does it grant access to resident reserved lots. All area permit holders shall park in their assigned home lot when working in their normal building.

f) Resident Reserved (red) - Parking for assigned resident student reserved permit holders only. Each zone is designated by matching permit and lot sign zone number. All area permits are not authorized to park in resident reserved lots.

g) Scooter - - Scooters (two wheeled motorized vehicles under 50cc) parked on campus must display a current UA scooter permit and may park only in designated scooter parking areas. The scooter permit does not authorize parking in UA motorcycle or car parking spaces. Scooters may not park in carspaces. h) Scooter Reserved - Reserved scooter parking is for assigned reserved scooter permits only from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. The scooter provisions above also apply to reserved permit holders. i) Student (green) - Parking for student, reserved, faculty/staff,resident reserved, and emeritus permit holders.

Section 4.3 – Time Designations of Parking Areas

(4.3.1) Extended Time Lots - UA parking permits or parking meter payments are required for parking in extended time lots and garages from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. These include lots 112, 114, 115, 122, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 132, 136, 140, 148, 149, 150, 326, 402, 408, 426, 440 (non-24-hour reserved spaces), 444, the Stadium Drive and Harmon Avenue Garages, and any other lots designated as requiring a permit until 8 p.m. These lots are reserved for any vehicle displaying a current UA parking permit, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, during the fall and spring semesters. The Harmon Avenue Garage requires a Harmon Garage permit or parking meter payment on days when there is a home football game. The Garland Avenue Garage permit spaces require a current Garland parking permit at all times.

(4.3.2) Evening Reserved - UA parking lots 400, 406, 407, and 422 are reserved for any reserved or faculty/staff permit holder from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, during the fall and spring semesters.

(4.3.3) No Overnight Lots - Specific parking lots are designated as No Overnight Parking and signed at the entrance. These lots must be vacated between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.

(4.3.4) General Parking Hours - UA parking permits or parking meter payments are required for parking in all other campus streets, lots and in the Meadow Street Garage from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and at all times in 24-hour reserved spaces, garages, lots and the Duncan Avenue parking meters. The responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator.

Section 4.4 – ADA Accessible Parking

(4.4.1) Annual accessible (ADA) parking permits will be issued at the normal cost to any student or employee who has a state handicap parking placard or license plate issued in their name.

(4.4.2) Temporary accessible (ADA) parking permits will be issued for the same length of time as the state temporary placard or for a maximum of seven (7) days based on an appropriate and licensed physician’s statement recommending a temporary accessible (ADA) permit.


(4.4.4) Individuals seeking an Accessible Parking Permit should first seek to receive a state handicap parking placard or license plate, however, should there be extenuating circumstances where that is not available, you may contact the Accommodations and Accessibility Services/ ADA Coordinator with Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Title IX (OEOC).

(4.4.5) The appropriate permit type, with the addition of an ADA designator, will be issued for the standard fee. The ADA designator will not be issued on a economy permit. The ADA permit allows parking in UA ADA parking spaces and in lots designated as reserved, resident reserved, faculty/staff, student and economy. Meter payment is required when parking at a parking meter.

(4.4.6) Campus visitors who have a state issued ADA placard or vehicle license plate may park in an accessible (ADA) parking space if they have purchased a current UA temporary parking permit.

Section 4.5 – Athletic and Special Event Parking

(4.5.1) UA units or individuals sponsoring any special event requiring campus parking for visitors are responsible for requesting parking arrangements two weeks before the event. A late fee will be assessed if the request is made after the two week deadline. UA Policy 320.1 covers the parking requirements for special events. Additional Special events parking information is available on the Transit and Parking website.

(4.5.2) Visitor parking arrangements for special campus events must be coordinated with, and will be controlled by, the Transit and Parking Department, 575-PARK.

(4.5.3) Razorback football, basketball, baseball, softball, and soccer athletic parking lots, and garages will be designated by signs. Vehicles must be moved from athletic parking lots and garages three hours before each home basketball, softball and soccer game and by midnight before each home football and baseball game. The Harmon Avenue Garage requires a Harmon Garage permit or parking meter payment on days when there is a home football game.

Section 4.6– Visitor and Vendor Parking

(4.6.1) Temporary visitor permits may be used by persons other than current UA students, staff and faculty members. Campus visitors, with a one-day or multiple-day temporary visitor parking permit, may park in parking lots designated as faculty/staff, student or economy. Visitors and vendors may obtain a temporary visitor parking permit from the Transit and Parking Department. Visitor permits may not be used by university students or employees.

(4.6.2) Campus visitors without a current permit should park at a parking meter and pay the posted meter fee. Meter fee payment is required at short-term meters (gold housings) at all times.

(4.6.3) UA units or individuals receiving visitors are expected to promptly contact the Transit and Parking Department (575-PARK) to make parking arrangements. UA units may purchase meter codes for garage parking from the Transit and Parking Department and issue them only to visitors. Please call 575-PARK for information.

(4.6.4) Annual vendor/visitor permits are for use only by vendors serving the UA campus and only while performing the service. These permits do not grant free access to metered parking.

Section 4.7 – Hourly Parking

(4.7.1) Hourly Parking - Anyone paying hourly parking may park in these spaces.  Vehicles parked after time has expired can be cited once before noon and once after noon.

(4.7.2) ) Short-term Parking  - These spaces require payment at all times. They provide 30-minute parking for brief stops, loading, and unloading at campus buildings. Violators parked at these spaces can be cited every 30 minutes.

(4.7.3) Garages –  Hourly payment in the Stadium Drive, Harmon Avenue, and Garland Avenue Garages is required from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday and in the Meadow Street Garage from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Stadium Drive and Meadow Street Garages will be used by the Athletics Department for all home football games and therefore must be cleared by midnight before each home game. The Meadow Street Garage will be used for all home men’s basketball games so it must be cleared three hours prior to the game.

(4.7.4) Payment - Cashless payment options are available. The Flowbird app and the MobilePay text-based system allows hourly parking payment using your cell phone. More information is available on the Transit and Parking website under Flowbird. Contact Transit and Parking if you have questions about this parking payment option.

Section 4.8– Loading Zones

Campus loading zones are only for marked commercial vehicles and those with a valid UA loading zone permit. Loading zone parking is limited to service vehicles only, unless otherwise posted. Extended time loading zone permits may be issued based upon demonstrated need and are only valid for vehicles displaying a current UA parking permit. Short-term parking meters are provided near most buildings for your convenience.

Section 4.9– UA Owned Vehicles

Departments will be invoiced for parking citations issued to university-owned motor vehicles. Departmental vehicles with departmental permits may not park in faculty/staff parking lots north of Dickson Street.

Section 4.10– RV and Trailer Parking

(4.10.1) RV parking is allowed in designated areas only. Please contact Transit and Parking for information about RV parking. (4.10.2) Trailer parking in lots or garages must be requested from Transit and Parking prior to bringing the trailer on campus.

Section 4.11– Parking within Marked Space

(4.11.1) All spaces in paved parking lots have painted white lines on both sides of the parking space or a painted white line on one side and a curb on the other. If there is not a painted line on both sides or a painted white line on one side and a curb on the other, it is not a parking space. (4.11.2) Spaces in gravel parking lots are designated by white or gray wheel stops. Parking is not allowed where yellow wheel stops are present. (4.11.3) Parking facing the wrong way in an angled or a parallel space is prohibited.

Section 4.12– Finals and Summer Parking Information

(4.12.1) Resident reserved permit requirements will be enforced until 5 p.m. on the last day of classes each semester with some spaces designated for use by students moving in or out of the residence halls during finals. Permits are still required in these spaces. (4.12.2) After final exams and before students move-in for the next semester, resident reserved lots will be open for all permit types except motorcycle, economy, scooter, and departmental permits. Garages always require permits or payment.

Section 4.13– Loss or Damage to Property

The university assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to private property. Therefore, all unattended vehicles parked on campus should be locked. All valuables should be kept out of site or locked in the trunk.

Section 4.14– Drop Off Zone Spaces

Drop Off Zone Spaces are designated by signage. These spaces are intended for those who need to drop off or pick up specific, prearranged passengers. Leaving a vehicle unattended in a Drop Off Zone Space is prohibited. Remaining in a Drop Off Zone Space for more than five minutes is prohibited. Obstructing a traffic lane while waiting for a Drop Off Zone Space to become available is prohibited. Violation of any of these prohibitions may result in a citation and the offending vehicle being towed. Each period that exceeds five minutes that a vehicle remains in a Drop Off Zone may be cited as a separate violation. Drop Off Zones are not cab stands, but may be used by taxis or other ride services responding to specific service requests.

Chapter 5 - Vehicle Operation

Section 5.1– Speed Limit

The maximum speed limit in all University of Arkansas parking areas is 10 miles per hour (this includes both parking lots and parking garages). Other campus speed limits are as posted.

Section 5.2 – Inoperative and Abandoned Vehicles

(5.2.1) It is the responsibility of any motorist whose vehicle becomes inoperative on campus to immediately notify the UA Police Department or the Transit and Parking Department of the vehicle's status and location. (5.2.2) Vehicles are considered abandoned when parked and stationary for two weeks and after reasonable attempts to locate the owner have failed. Abandoned vehicles will be towed from campus and custody of the vehicle will rest with the tow company.

Section 5.3 – Moving Violations

Motorists who violate city or state law at the university are subject to prosecution. Prohibitions against passing transit buses in no passing zones and failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks are strictly enforced at all times. Please see additional moving violations listed under Traffic and Parking Violations in the Appendix.

Section 5.4 – Vehicle Registration

Current registration is required on all vehicles according to Arkansas state law. Falsifying vehicle registration information may result in parking privileges being denied or revoked.

Section 5.5 – Scooters

(5.5.1) According to Arkansas Law, scooters may not be ridden on the sidewalk. (5.5.2) Fayetteville City Ordinance requires scooter riders to have scooter insurance.

Section 5.6 – Helmets

According to Arkansas Helmet Law, Chapter 20, Operation of Motorized Cycles; Subchapter 1, “All passengers and operators of motorcycles and motor-driven cycles used upon the public streets and highways of this state shall be equipped with the following equipment under standards set forth by the Office of Motor Vehicle of the State of Arkansas: (1) Protective headgear unless the person is twenty-one (21) years of age or older; and (2) Protective glasses, goggles, or transparent face shields. “

Chapter 6 - Electric Motorized Scooters

Section 6.1.1 – Operation

Electric motorized scooters shall not be operated at a speed greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour.

Section 6.1.2 – Operation on Sidewalks

 a) Any individual operating an electric motorized scooter upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian. b) No person shall operate an electric motorized scooter upon a sidewalk which abuts a building, when riding on the sidewalk would endanger pedestrians, or where operation of an electric motorized scooter on a sidewalk is prohibited by an official traffic control device. c) Any individual operating an electric motorized scooter within a pedestrian crosswalk must yield the right-of-way to motor vehicle traffic and pedestrians. To earn the protections of a pedestrian, an individual must dismount, walk the electric motorized scooter, and obey applicable traffic control devices.

Section 6.1.3 - Riding on Roadways and Bicycle Facilities

Any person operating an electric motorized scooter upon a roadway at less than the normal and reasonable speed of traffic shall ride in the right-hand lane of the roadway subject to the following provisions: a) If the right-hand lane is wide enough to be safely shared with overtaking vehicles, a person operating an electric motorized scooter shall ride far enough to the right as judged safe by a reasonable scooter user to facilitate the movement of such overtaking vehicles unless other conditions make it unsafe to do so. b) A person operating an electric motorized scooter may use a lane other than the right-hand lane i. Passing another vehicle; ii. Preparing for a left turn; iii. Avoiding conditions, including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, or surface hazards; iv. Lanes are too narrow for an electric motorized scooter and vehicle to travel safely side by side; v. Approaching an intersection where there is a designated right turn lane and the scooter user does not intend to turn right, the scooter user may ride on the left-hand side of such designated lane; vi. Riding on a roadway designated for one-way traffic, when the scooter user may ride as near to the left-hand curb or edge of such roadway as judged safe by the scooter user; or vii. Riding on parts of roadways designated for bicycles. c) A scooter user shall not be expected or required to: i. Ride over or through any hazards or apparent hazards. ii. Ride without a reasonable safety margin on the right-hand side of the roadway. iii. A person operating an electric motorized scooter in compliance with this section and not violating any other section of law is not impeding traffic. d) The operator of an electric motorized scooter emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across the alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on such sidewalk area and, upon entering the roadway, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such roadway. e) No person riding upon any electric motorized scooter shall attach either the scooter or the rider to any vehicle upon a roadway. f) No person operating an electric motorized scooter shall carry any package, bundle or article, which prevents the rider from keeping at least one (1) hand upon the handlebars. g) No person operating an electric motorized scooter shall use a cell phone, or headphones, earbuds, or any device that would inhibit their hearing. h) No person shall operate electric motorized scooters in university buildings or charge an electric scooter on university property.

Section 6.2 – Parking

(6.2.1) Electric motorized scooters parking on university property may be parked only near a bicycle rack. (6.2.2) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked in a manner that would impede normal and reasonable pedestrian access on a sidewalk or in any manner that would reduce the minimum clear width of a sidewalk to less than 48 inches. (6.2.3) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked in a manner that violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. (6.2.4) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked in a manner that would impede vehicular traffic on a street or alley. (6.2.5) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked in a manner that would impose a threat to public safety or security. (6.2.6) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked on a public or University street or parking lot without specific permission from the University. (6.2.7) Electric motorized scooters may not be deployed on a block where the sidewalk is less than 96 inches in width, or on a block that does not have sidewalks. The University may determine other blocks or areas where deploying electric motorized scooters are prohibited. (6.2.8) Electric motorized scooters must be deployed on a sidewalk or other hard surface, at a bicycle rack, or at designated university-owned locations. Electric motorized scooters may only be deployed on private property with the permission of the property owner. (6.2.9) Electric motorized scooters must stand upright while parked. (6.2.10) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked within five feet of a crosswalk or curb ramp, unless given specific permission by the University. (6.2.11) Electric motorized scooters may not be parked in a way that blocks: a) Transit stops, shelters, or platforms b) Commercial loading zones c) Railroad or light rail tracks or crossings d) Passenger loading zones or valet parking service areas e) Disabled parking zones f) Street furniture that requires pedestrian access (for example, benches or parking pay stations) g) Building entryways h) Vehicular driveways (6.2.12) Electric motorized scooters parked along multi-use trails may only be parked at trailheads or other areas identified by the university.

Chapter 7 - Transit Services

Section 7.1 – Razorback Transit Bus Service

(7.1.1) Razorback Transit provides bus service on 10 fixed routes, both on campus and to major off campus living and service areas. Peak service hours are Monday through Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all UA fall and spring semester registration, class, and final exam days. Non-peak service is provided from 6 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and 6:30 a.m. to 10:45 p.m. on Saturdays during the fall and spring semesters (except home football game Saturdays) and from 6:45 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on other days. Please check posted schedules for your bus's actual departure time. Live bus locations and stop times are available on the PassioGo! app. (7.1.2) Anyone may ride Razorback Transit buses fare free. UA students and employees are encouraged to use this reliable and convenient daily bus service. Bus maps and schedules are available at the following locations: the Arkansas Union Information Desk, Union Station, the lobby of Hunt Hall, on all buses, at the Transit and Parking Department, the Harmon Avenue Garage, and on the web.

Section 7.2 – Paratransit

Persons with disabilities who cannot access the regular route buses may apply for complementary paratransit van service by contacting the Paratransit Coordinator at 575-6993. More information is available on our website.


Permit Types and Eligibility

Annual Vendor/Visitor – Vendors providing business services to the campus

Faculty/Staff - Full-time UA employees and part-time UA employees who work at least 1,000 hours annually and are not enrolled in more than five class hours each semester. Graduate students are generally not eligible for faculty/staff permits. Doctorate students who have completed all course work and are the instructor of record for at least one class are eligible for a faculty/staff permit upon providing a letter from their department head stating such.

Garage and Student Garage - Issued for specific garages and sold to individuals based upon application. Priority is given in this order: faculty and staff, disabled persons, on-campus resident students, and offcampus students (graduate students, seniors, juniors, sophomores, and then freshmen). Faculty and staff garage permits will be renewed annually based on space availability and their responding by the deadline. On-campus resident garage permits will be renewed annually based on the University Housing priority list and the applicant responding by the deadline. Off-campus resident garage permits will be renewed on a space available basis, in the order listed above if space is available after all faculty, staff, and on-campus resident requests have been fulfilled. New off-campus resident requests will be issued based on space availability and in order of application date. Student garage permit holders may park only in their assigned garage or the Economy parking lot #500. They may not park in Student parking lots.

Economy - All students, faculty and staff

Reserved - Issued for a specific lot and sold to individuals based upon application, to be renewed annually. Priority is given to current reserved permit holders and to disabled persons. Vacancies are filled from the priority list of current applicants based on rank, seniority, and date of application. Written justification for new all area and 24-hour reserved permit applicants is reviewed by the Transit, Parking and Traffic Committee Chairperson and forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration with a recommendation for approval or disapproval. Current all area and 24-hour reserved permits are reviewed annually for continuing need.

Resident Reserved - Currently enrolled students residing in UA housing facilities, with priority based on criteria established by University Housing. Resident student permits provide 24-hour reserved parking in their designated zone during the fall and spring semesters.

Scooter – All students, faculty and staff

Scooter Reserved - Issued for a specific lot and sold to students, faculty and staff based upon application, to be renewed annually. Priority is given to current reserved scooter permit holders. Vacancies are filled from the priority list of current applicants based on date of application.

Student - Currently enrolled students

Temporary – Parking e-permits are available for purchase online by visitors and university students and employees who do not have an annual permit.

Traffic and Parking Violations and Fees

Moving Violation Type Violation Fee
Careless driving $100.00
Driving where prohibited 110.00
Failure to obey police officer $100.00
Failure to yield $100.00
Failure to yield to emergency vehicle $100.00
Failure to yield to pedestrian $100.00
Hazardous driving 110.00
Improper passing $100.00
Improper turn $100.00
Leaving the scene of an accident 300.00
No motorcycle helmet (under 21 years old) 80.00
Reckless driving (as defined by Arkansas Statutes) 300.00
Running stop light $100.00
Running stop sign $100.00
Speed too fast for conditions $100.00
Speeding 1-10 mph over limit $100.00
Speeding 11-15 mph over limit $110.00
Speeding 16 and greater mph over limit $150.00
Wrong way on one-way street $100.00
All other moving violations $100.00

Parking Violations and Fees

Violation Type Fee
Blocking a legally parked vehicle $25.00
Boot Fee $50.00
Disregard of barricades $20.00
Driving or parking on grass or lawn area, or sidewalk $40.00
Failure to vacate Athletic parking prohibited by sign $150.00
Illegal use of permit/license plate $100.00
Improper parking (disregard of stall lines, more than one foot from curb, &s; facing wrong direction) $50.00
Meter Violation $30.00
Overtime parking $20.00
Parking in area not designated as a parking area $25.00
Parking in crosswalk $25.00
Parking in lot or space not authorized by permit $75.00
Parking on campus while parking privileges are suspended $100.00
Parking on University of Arkansas property without permit $75.00
Parking over curb $20.00
Parking overnight in a lot where overnight parking is prohibited $75.00
Parking where prohibited by sign $35.00
Parking where prohibited by yellow lines or curb $35.00
Vehicle license plate not properly displayed $10.00
Plate not facing drive $20.00
Safety hazard (parking in fire lane, sidewalk, blocking drive, blocking fire hydrant, standing where prohibited, or improper use of skates or skateboards) $100.00
Unauthorized parking in or blocking of a disabled person parking space or access aisle $250.00
Unauthorized removal of a boot $100.00
Bicycle Impound/Immobilization Release $10.00
Parking Violation Multiple Offenses and Late Fees N/A
After 3rd citation for same offense in fiscal year – charges double except ADA violations fees increase $100 for each additional violation in a fiscal year and Safety Hazard violation fees increase $50 for each additional violation in a fiscal year. N/A
Late Payment (after 30, 60, and 90 days) $10.00