Live Bus Map

Get real-time info on bus locations
and routes.

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Parking Portal

Manage your permits, citations
and parking info.

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Visitor Parking

Just visiting? We’ve got all the info you need to make parking a breeze during your visit!



We have several permit options! Browse our available permits and select the one that is best for you.


Parking citations issued by the university should be paid promptly. Learn how to avoid citations, make payments and more.

Routes and Schedules

Need to know where buses pick up and when they'll be there? Check out our bus routes and schedules.

Razorback Transit Operations Calendar

Planning to ride Razorback Transit? View our active hours on the operations calendar.

Gameday Transit and Parking

We love when our Hogs are playing! Go here to see information on parking and bus operations on game days.


2025-2026 Priority Parking Process

Resident and garage parking permits will be offered to students based on when they finalized their Housing contract. Resident offers will be emailed to students’ university email accounts, with the first priority group receiving the email in mid-July. There will be an expiration date on the email by which students must purchase a permit before it is offered to the next group on the priority list. We will send offers until permits sell out.

We're Hiring

Transit and Parking has openings for Razorback Transit drivers and for parking enforcement personnel. Go to our career site to see our job listings. You may then wish to select "Fayetteville" to refine the search. In the search bar, type in "Transit" to see postings for drivers, or enter "Parking" to see the openings for parking enforcement.


The appeals committee will meet on Tuesday, March 25 and April 29, 8:30 AM, in ADSB 142.